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Shigeko Kubota

DE I Im Februar 2024 präsentiert die Plattform e-flux im Rahmen ihrer monatlichen Reihe Staff Picks auf e-flux Film den Film Marcel Duchamp und John Cage (1972, 28 Minuten) von Shigeko Kubota

In diesem elegischen Werk erkundet Kubota die Beziehung zwischen zwei der einflussreichsten Persönlichkeiten der Kunst und Musik des 20. Jahrhunderts. Im Mittelpunkt stehen Kubotas eigene Fotografien des berühmten Schachspiels zwischen Marcel Duchamp und John Cage aus dem Jahr 1968, bei dem das Brett, das für den Ton verkabelt war, als Musikinstrument diente. Aufnahmen von Cages Kompositionen begleiten die Standbilder und das Videomaterial, das Kubota elektronisch bis zur Abstraktion bearbeitet. 

Sehen Sie sich den Film hier an. 

Präsentiert in Zusammenarbeit mit der Shigeko Kubota Video Art Foundation.

EN I February 2024 the platform e-flux is presents within the edition of their monthly series Staff Picks on e-flux Film, featuring Shigeko Kubota’s Marcel Duchamp and John Cage (1972, 28 minutes).

In this elegiac work, Kubota explores the relationship between two of the most influential figures in twentieth century art and music. The core images are Kubota’s own photographs of the famous 1968 chess match between Marcel Duchamp and John Cage, in which the board, wired for sound, functioned as a musical instrument. Recordings of Cage’s compositions accompany the stills and video footage, which Kubota electronically processes to abstraction.

Watch the film here.

Co-presented with the Shigeko Kubota Video Art Foundation.

Shigeko Kubota was born in 1937 in Niigata, Japan and died in 2015. She received a BA in sculpture from Tokyo University of Education, and studied at New York University and the New School for Social Research. In 1964, she moved to New York; in the same year she became the Vice Chairman of the Fluxus Organization. She taught at the School of Visual Arts, and was video artist-in-residence at both Brown University and the School of the Art Institute of Chicago. From 1974 to 1982 she was the video curator at Anthology Film Archives. Kubota was the recipient of numerous grants and awards and her work is in the permanent collections of The Museum of Modern Art, New York and the Toyama Museum of Art, Japan. Kubota’s video sculptures, installations, and videos have been exhibited internationally and she participated in the 1990 Venice Biennale and the 1990 Sydney Biennale. Kubota lived in New York and Miami until her death in 2015.

21 February
